Share Responsive Web Design Layout Screenshots with Chrome Extension “Full Page Screen Capture”

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Are you making every web design preview in Photoshop? Does it take time for every change you need to make for multiple browsers?

If you are in your frontend web development phase and would like to quickly share screenshots of live results, the Google Chrome extension “Full Page Screen Capture” will make your processes so much faster.

You will be able to capture exactly what the Google Chrome browser and user sees, instead of a theoretical design that has not been tested on browsers.

No more cutting and pasting image files!

First, open Google Chrome and get the Chrome Extension at the Chrome Web Store.

chrome store responsive screenshots extension

Select “Add To Chrome” and install to your browser. Restart your browser or computer if necessary.

A “Full Page Screen Capture” icon will show in your Chrome browser menu bar.

share responsive screenshots chrome icon


Go to a website you would like to capture a screenshot and select the “Full Page Screen Capture” icon.

Share Responsive Web Design Layout Screenshots  loading screen

Do not touch anything while the extension scans the website, otherwise your progress will be canceled.


Responsive Web Design Layout Screenshot Example

Once the capture is completed, a new tab will open with name “Full Page Screen Capture”. A full resolution screen capture will be displayed in the center of the page. Right-click the image and save the image.


Screen Capture Responsive Layouts

On the page that you want to show responsive layouts, press F12 to open Chrome Developer Tools. These tools will allow you to test different resolution sizes on the page you are showing.

Responsive Screenshot example

If you cannot see device options, make sure the blue “Toggle device toolbar” icon is selected in the Developer Tools panel.Developer Tools selection for responsive screenshot

Right-click the image to save the full resolution screenshot of your responsive layout.

example of mobile responsive layout screenshot

What You Should Know

Websites that have interactive content and fixed objects may not show correctly in the screenshot. You should disable or fix the interactive objects in the state you would like to show in the screenshot. Otherwise, you can use 3rd party image editing tools to refine your screenshot before delivering.

Get Google Chrome

Get Full Page Screen Capture Extension

Disable Auto-Apply Ad Suggestions in Adwords

turn off auto apply adwords suggestionsDisable Auto Acceptance of Suggestions in Adwords with the below steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select the Account tab
  3. Choose the Don’t Automatically Apply

Opt out of auto accept adwords suggestions

MCC /Agency Accounts can use the below form to opt out en masse:

Late last year Google adwords accounts have begun to default to “accept” Google’s Suggestions after 14 days. They describe this as the “ideal setting for most advertisers” and actively discourage opting out of it.

The Suggestions in adwords are fine, and by all means may be valuable, but allowing them to auto apply relinquishes a significant amount of control of factors that influence your budget and ROI.

Ultimately, all advertising platforms have an interest in advertisers spending larger budgets. This doesn’t mean you need to discard all Suggestions, but it’s enough to make not accepting them your default starting point as an advertiser:



Download Your Product Inventory File from Amazon Seller Central

One of the most useful things that an Amazon vendor can have is a file containing all of their products’ listing information (i.e. SKU, description, bullets, and all product detail fields). In addition to being a database of essential information that can be used for analysis, comparisons, and records, it can also be really helpful to someone who’s looking for a template for csv product uploads. Seller Central doesn’t make it simple to download or even view this information in one place. At least it doesn’t anymore.

Here’s a quick tip on how to get this information:

  • Open a ticket with Seller Support and request that they enable your account’s Category Listings Report
  • Once you’ve received an email confirming that they’ve enabled your report (be sure to check email to see if there is a time limit on your ungated reports):
    • Go to the Inventory dropdown and select Inventory Reports > Select report type > Category Listings Report

This is the simplest way to get a comprehensive file that includes all of your details about your products listings.

If anyone has any suggestions about better or more comprehensive methods for the average vendor to get this information please share them with us!


Magento Paypal Rounding Error – Quick Fix

Recently we came across an issue of a paypal window not functioning on a Magento 1.7 site after a site-wide 40% Off promotion began. There are likely coding /extension fixes to this issue, but we thought we’d share the simplest way to address this issue when it’s preventing users from checking out.

The Issue: The item values do not add up to the subtotal given to Paypal. The individual item prices displayed did not match the real subtotal. Magento rounds each items price to two decimal points (for USD, EUR, and others).

So, two items discounted at 40% will look like this:

Original price: 2.99 x .6 = 1.794 Price Displayed: $1.79

Original price 3.99 x .6 = 2.394 Price Displayed: $2.39

This is fine, but the Subtotal displayed is $4.19

The problem is that Magento is adding the actual values (1.794 + 2.394) to get the subtotal. When Paypal receives an order like this, it rejects the request because it does not believe 1.79 + 1.39 = 4.19. It’s receiving each item rounded to two decimal points and a subtotal that’s been calculated with up to four decimal points. These are not always the same value.


The Quick Fix: Although this solution leaves you with the problem of inconsistent numbers, it’s a quick solution to getting Paypal to accept these transactions. All you need to do is stop feeding the individual item prices to Paypal.

This is done through System > Configuration > Payment Methods > Paypal Express Checkout. Select Configure and then select No on the “Transfer Cart Line Items” dropdown:

magento line items checkout

Disabling this causes only the total to be read and displayed in Paypal. Users will still finalize their transaction on the Magento checkout page, enabling them to view a price breakdown before actually paying anything.

Ultimately, this still leaves you with prices that add up to more than the individual product sums, so it’s worth finding a more comprehensive solution. However, we should just reiterate that the subtotal is actually a correct sum, it’s just more precise than a sum of rounded sums.


Magento URLs With Numbers

Are you seeing some product URLs that look like this –

Below is a brief explanation of this issue and how to fix it using only the admin panel of Magento. Please note, if you have a large number of products with this issue, you’ll want to look for a coding solution. This is for those who’re experiencing the issue with a relatively small number of products that have likely been uploaded manually.

Why:  Magento (rightly) won’t accept multiple products with identical URLs. This is true regardless of whether or not your simple products are visible individually.

How: This issue may show up for different reasons, but the most common–and most simply addressed– for an administrator is when Simple and Configurable products are created with the same URL key. For example, if you create a three simple products in three different sizes but do not give each one a unique URL key (e.g. productX-small), Magento will add a numeric suffix to each product that is subsequently added with the same root URL. So, in this case your configurable product can end up looking something like /productX-1458.

Remember that magento will auto generate a URL key from the product title. So if you’re simple product title is the same as your configurable product title leaving the URL key field blank will have the same result as entering duplicate URL keys.

What to do? (Again, this is simplest solution without coding or spreadsheets necessary)  To address this issue there are three steps to take:

1) Give each of your products a unique URL key

Simply identify the configurable product and all associated simple products. Starting with the simple products, save each one with a URL that is unique (include reference to size, color, etc). After doing so, make sure that your configurable URL key is correct.

Magento Simple Product URL Key field


2) Get rid of URL rewrites

URL rewrite management tabWhen multiple products and variations are created with a single URL key, Magento will create a rewrite to direct links to what it thinks is the correct URL. After you’ve saved your product and it’s variations with unique URLs, you need to delete these rewrites.

To do so, go to Catalog > URL Rewrite Management. Here you should be able to identify all associated rewrites by searching for the base URL key (e.g. productX). Once you’ve identified all associated rewrites, delete them.

Note: this is assuming that the products have URL issues because they are recently added and no significant URL rewrites have been created by the administrator.

3) Reindex Data

The final simple step is to reindex your site so that Magento recognizes the new URLs you’ve created. This is done by going to System > Index Management, Select “Catalog URL Rewrites” (or simply select all, and select the action “Reindex Data.”

reindex data action in magento admin panel

After having completed these steps, you should be able to view without any suffixes being added.

In the near future we’ll try to provide a slightly more complex, but more comprehensive solution for those who are encountering this issue on a larger scale or with a different root cause.

As always, please feel free to add your suggestions!